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St. Peter

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
 June 29 


peter, saint peter, dogwood, key
Thanks to Joe Pegasus
2D | DXF | GCD | EPS | HPG | PLT


stpete, saint peter, st peter, halo, man, male, keys, pope, papa
 hand gesture signified the beginning of an important oration
in other words, "PAY ATTENTION to what will be said."
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD| JBS | HPG | PLT


stpete2,  saint peter, st peter, halo, man, male, keys, pope, papa
 hand gesture signified the beginning of an important oration
in other words, "PAY ATTENTION to what will be said."
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD| JBS | HPG | PLT


stpete3, saint peter, st. peter
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD | JBS | HPG | PLT


stpete4, saint peter, st. peter
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD | JBS | HPG | PLT


stpete5, saint peter, st peter, halo, man, male, keys, pope, papa
 hand gesture signified the beginning of an important oration
in other words, "PAY ATTENTION to what will be said."
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD | JBS | HPG | PLT


stpete6, saint peter, st peter, halo, man, male, keys, pope, papa
 hand gesture signified the beginning of an important oration
in other words, "PAY ATTENTION to what will be said."
Thanks to Joe
2D | Ai | CDR | CMP | CMX | DWG | DXF | EPS | GCD | JBS | HPG | PLT

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Such as www.joepegasus.com/ftp/design4/adesign.PL_)


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